Today on New Scientist: 3 December 2012

Screening athletes for heart problems much too pricey

The cost of screening all US athletes for heart abnormalities could reach $10 million per life saved - providing defibrillators everywhere may be better

Beyond boiling, bubbles vanish when the heat is up

See what happens inside a kettle when liquid overheats, creating a boiling crisis

2012 Flash Fiction shortlist: Digital Eyes

From scores of science-inspired stories, our judge has narrowed down a fantastic shortlist. Story one of five: Digital Eyes by Tamara Rogers

3D print yourself something big, piece by piece

A new software tool called Chopper breaks big objects into smaller ones that can be printed out of a home 3D printer

North Korean rocket launch will heighten missile fears

Despite doubts over its capabilities, North Korea intends to launch a long-range rocket this month, heightening tensions with its neighbours

Before the big bang: something or nothing

Has the cosmos existed forever, or did something bring it into existence? Time to grapple with the universe's greatest mystery, says Marcus Chown

Algerian oases: Earth with its living skin pulled away

These Algerian oases start looking like footprints on a beach as they stretch out toward the horizon, but the water's underground, not up ahead

Dyson patents the tap that also dries your hands

Why should washrooms have more sinks than hand dryers? A novel patent answers that thorny question

Personality disorder revamp ends in 'horrible waste'

Patients will be the losers as the American Psychiatric Association fails to endorse a new way of diagnosing debilitating personality problems

Elon Musk: Mars base will open the way to other stars

The SpaceX founder says he'd like to "die on Mars". Why the obsession with going to the Red Planet?

Tiny tug of war in cells underpins life

The minuscule forces that allow cells to divide in a teeny tug of war have been measured for the first time

Weaver ants help flowers get the best pollinator

The Singapore rhododendron is the first flower found to recruit ants to chase small bee varieties - which make poor pollinators - away

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Today on New Scientist: 3 December 2012